When D and I got married, we decided in lieu of gifts/trinkets to our guests, we would make donations to charities that meant something to us. Having recently lost my aunt to thyroid cancer, one of the organizations we chose was the Light of Life Foundation. You can read more about the organization here: http://www.checkyourneck.com/.
The other organization we knew would create a bit of a stir. We chose Freedom to Marry. If you follow me on Twitter, you will see that I follow a few "gay marriage" or "marriage equality" Twitter users. This is not by accident. D and I are both avid supporters of marriage equality. Now we knew people would react to choosing this charity. Fortunately, all the feedback we heard was positive. There probably were people who didn't agree with our decision, but they chose to keep it to themselves.
As we said in our wedding program. We felt fortunate to have the opportunity to express our love and get married. I am sad that I don't live in a state that currently allows, or even recognizes gay marriage. However, that will hopefully not be the case soon.
Increasingly, gay rights (or more appropriately, civil rights) are a generational idea. Younger generations overwhelmingly support gay marriage. D and I strongly support civil rights for all.
In honor of Valentine's Day I wanted to note that not everyone is allowed to marry who they love. Here's hoping next year there are more states (possibly even mine!) that honors all its citizens civil rights!
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