Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow is Falling

Whenever there is snow in the forecast I feel like a kid again!  Makes me remember when I was in school and would go to bed praying for snow.  I'd wake up and rush to the window to usually see the green grass, convinced that G-d didn't hear or listen to my prayers for snow!  Nowadays it is definitely different.  Thanks to telecommuting, there is quite a bit of work I can do from home so even a "snow day" is usually not 100% off.  Ever since my brother moved out, when snow was in the forecast, D and I would pack a bag and go stay with my parents to help with shoveling.  Unfortunately, (a) I didn't realize snow was in the forecast and (b) D is sick.  Really sick.  As in should not be shoveling.  So we didn't go to my parents.  Here's hoping they don't get too much because I'd hate for my dad to have to do it all!


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