Friday, April 22, 2011

(Not so) Fit and Fabulous Friday

This post won't be long because I'm heading out the door to work ... and I'm not exactly thrilled with my progress.

I still have not called my doctor (ugh).  I truly intended to and then 4 straight days of cooking/cleaning leading up to 2 seders I got busy (you think?).  But then I noticed my heal felt better.  Maybe I could start working out again! Maybe I didn't need to go to the doctor's after all.  Until my 4 hours in the car yesterday to and from a meeting.  By the time I got home, my heal was killing me.  Although it's feeling ok now, I am scared to work out.  I really need to call that doctor!  I truly think had I been working out I would not have gained this week.

And then there was (and still is!) Passover.  This weekend I did ok.  I wasn't stellar but had I continued on that path I think I would have done fine.  But then Monday night started Passover (it goes until Tuesday night next week so I'm nervous about next week's weigh in as well!).  I knew starting a weight loss/healthy plan right before Passover wasn't my best idea.  But I wanted to do it and the opportunity presented itself ... so I did.  If I'm honest with myself, I didn't eat too badly at the seders (think HUGE Thanksgiving style meal, and then another one the following night).  My biggest problem with Passover is the snacking/desserts.  Because it is a holiday where basically you limit what you can eat, you feel "entitled, allowed, justified" to eat a lot of snacks/desserts.  This is not good.  And this needs to change!  I am being honest and will truly try to do better between now and Tuesday night.  But being totally truthful, I'm not sure how well that is going to go. 

So now for the numbers:

Weight Lost This Week: +1.8 lbs
Weight Lost Since Fit & Fabulous Fridays Began:  1.4 lbs (not good!)
Weight I Need to Lose for First Goal: 26.6lb

How was your week?  


  1. The worst part about dieting is that your always going up and down. All week I've been gaining and losing. But passover is almost over so you cna do it. The most important part is that you keep trying and never give up.


  2. Sometimes we get off track but it seems like you are dedicated so I encourage you...keep up the good work!

    stopping by from #commenthour

  3. You can do this! I know you've had a tough week, but remember it could have still been worse. Passover is almost over so the diet will go back to normal. Just keep drinking that water!


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